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Process Control Syscalls

Table of contents

  1. Implementation details
  2. Syscall signatures
    1. practice
    2. halt
    3. exit
    4. exec
    5. wait
    6. fork

Pintos currently only supports one syscall, exit, which terminates the calling process. You will add support for the following new syscalls: practice, halt, exec, wait, and fork.

Implementation details

To implement syscalls, you first need a way to safely read and write memory that’s in a user process’s virtual address space. The syscall arguments are located on the user process’s stack, right above the user process’s stack pointer. You are not allowed to have the kernel crash while trying to dereference an invalid or null pointer. For example, if the stack pointer is invalid when a user program makes a syscall, the kernel ought not crash when trying to read syscall arguments from the stack. Additionally, some syscall arguments are pointers to buffers inside the user process’s address space. Those buffer pointers could be invalid as well.

Try to avoid writing large amounts of repetitive code for implementing system calls. Each system call argument, whether an integer or a pointer, takes up 4 bytes on the stack. You should be able to take advantage of this to avoid writing much near-identical code for retrieving each system call’s arguments from the stack.

You will need to gracefully handle cases where a syscall cannot be completed due to invalid memory access including null pointers, invalid pointers (e.g. pointing to unmapped memory), and illegal pointers (e.g. pointing to kernel memory). Beware: a 4-byte memory region (e.g. a 32-bit integer) may consist of 2 bytes of valid memory and 2 bytes of invalid memory, if the memory lies on a page boundary. You should handle these cases by terminating the user process. We recommend testing this part of your code before implementing any other system call functionality. See Accessing User Memory and Syscalls for more information.

Syscall signatures


int practice (int i)

A “fake” syscall designed to get you familiar with the syscall interface This syscall increments the passed in integer argument by 1 and returns it to the user.


void halt (void)

Terminates Pintos by calling the shutdown_power_off function in devices/shutdown.h. This should be seldom used, because you lose some information about possible deadlock situations, etc.


void exit (int status)

Terminates the current user program, returning status to the kernel. If the process’s parent waits for it (see below), this is the status that will be returned. Conventionally, a status of 0 indicates success and nonzero values indicate errors. Every user program that finishes in normally calls exit – even a program that returns from main calls exit indirectly (see Program Startup). In order to make the test suite pass, you need to print out the exit status of each user program when it exits. The format should be %s: exit(%d) followed by a newline, where the process name and exit code respectively subsitute %s and %d. You may need to modify the existing implementation of exit to support other syscalls.


pid_t exec (const char *cmd_line)

Runs the executable whose name is given in cmd_line, passing any given arguments, and returns the new process’s program id (pid). If the program cannot load or run for any reason, return -1. Thus, the parent process cannot return from a call to exec until it knows whether the child process successfully loaded its executable. You must use appropriate synchronization to ensure this.

Keep in mind exec in PintOS is different from exec in Unix. It can be thought of as a combination of Unix fork and exec. On one hand, while it creates a new process (like Unix fork()), it does not copy over the address space of the parent. On the other hand, while it loads in another program to run (like Unix exec()), the parent process still continues to run after exec() is called.


int wait (pid_t pid)

Waits for a child process pid and retrieves the child’s exit status. If pid is still alive, waits until it terminates. Then, returns the status that pid passed to exit. If pid did not call exit but was terminated by the kernel (e.g. killed due to an exception), wait must return -1. It is perfectly legal for a parent process to wait for child processes that have already terminated by the time the parent calls wait, but the kernel must still allow the parent to retrieve its child’s exit status, or learn that the child was terminated by the kernel.

wait must fail and return -1 immediately if any of the following conditions are true:

  • pid does not refer to a direct child of the calling process. pid is a direct child of the calling process if and only if the calling process received pid as a return value from a successful call to exec. Note that children are not inherited: if A spawns child B and B spawns child process C, then A cannot wait for C, even if B is dead. A call to wait(C) by process A must fail. Similarly, orphaned processes are not assigned to a new parent if their parent process exits before they do.

  • The process that calls wait has already called wait on pid. That is, a process may wait for any given child at most once.

Processes may spawn any number of children, wait for them in any order, and may even exit without having waited for some or all of their children. Your design should consider all the ways in which waits can occur. All of a process’s resources, including its struct thread, must be freed whether its parent ever waits for it or not, and regardless of whether the child exits before or after its parent.

You must ensure that Pintos does not terminate until the initial process exits. The supplied Pintos code tries to do this by calling the process_wait function in userprog/process.c from the main function in threads/init.c. We suggest that you implement the process_wait function in userprog/process.c according to the docstring and then implement wait in terms of process_wait.

Implementing wait requires considerably more work than the other syscalls.


pid_t fork (void)

Creates a copy of the calling process, including its file descriptors and address space. We will refer to the calling process as the parent process and the new process as the child process. Here is the list of expected behaviors:

  • In the parent process, returns the new process’s program id (pid). The new process’s PID must be unique. If the program cannot load or run for any reason, return -1.

  • In the child process, returns 0.

  • The child process is considered a direct child of the calling process, according to wait.

  • The child process has a copy of the parent’s descriptors, which reference the same underlying struct file. You do not need to worry about STDIN and STDOUT.

Some advice:

It is far easier to implement exec + wait first, and then build fork with small changes on top of these two syscalls.

When you copy over the address space, you need to learn to map a virtual address to a physical address. One good place to see is load + install_page on how Pintos initializes the process address space.

You will learn that Linux’s implementation of fork does not create a copy of the entire address space immediately. Refer to copy-on-write for more information. We do not expect you to implement this. If you have a fully working implementation with copy-on-write, please contact the instructors of the course, since we’d love to see it.